Vicks First Defence Nasal Spray Review - MissLJBeauty

Vicks First Defence Nasal Spray Review

I am known as a germ sponge. I need to be within a mile radius of an ill person and I can guarantee I will be sick within the week. It has been this way since I had the glandular fever and swine flu within a few months of each other years ago. I am besides this a really fit person. I train as an athlete for mountain biking and I do try to eat and drink healthy. Especially when I am training for a race. 

Here in lies the problem I spend a month training for a big event and I am in constant fear of a cold ruining my performances. I have long-term problems with my sinus and I am always on the lookout for a Cold and Flu Defense. This is like the holy grail for me. Like us all I mean who likes being sick. 

In November I had the biggest race in my career in Nepal and I was panicked that I would get sick and my performance would be hindered. Well, planes are known as a place for germs to circulate no matter what precautions you take. So I ran to the nearest chemist and bought Vick First Defence. I had read about it online and I thought I would give it a go. I had nostalgic memories of Vicks vapour rub as I popped it in my basket. I bet as I write this you can almost smell the vapour rub,.

If I am honest I would have done anything for a viral infection prevention method to take with me. But was it worth it and should you run out to get some for yourself? 

What is Vicks First defence? 

Vicks First Defence is a nasal spray which has been developed to target the signs of infections. So as soon as you feel the cold coming on is the best time to use Vick First defence or if you feel like you have been near someone with a cold. but within the first 36 hours.  Vick has identified the back of the nose and throat as the place the virus takes hold and using a nasal spray is a good way to take the virus head on. This is an early cold symptoms treatment product. 

How to use Vicks first defence
You use this nasal spray by inserting it into the nose. Do not tile your head and angle the first defence bottle outwards in the direction of your ear. Spray 2-3 squirts and do the same on the other nostril. Avoid inhaling. Believe me, you do not want to so that by accident it tastes awful. You can use this up to 4 times a day. The spray will give you a runny nose and a very strange kind of stunning discomfort feeling. This is not harmful and passes quickly. Of course, stop using if you have any adverse side effects and contact your doctor. 

This is only for the over 12 and not for children younger than 12. 

What are the main benefits of Vicks first defence?
  • Nasal Congestion Relief - This works really fast as a nasal decongestant after the first I always feel relief 
  • Cold and Flu Defense - A quick and easy way to defend yourself 
  • Microgel Technology - traps the cold viruses that start to develop at the back of the nose and helps prevent them from developing and spreading.
  • Quick Relief for Stuffy Nose - I hate stuffy noses. 
  • Over-the-Counter Nasal Spray you can buy this at most chemists
  • Non-Drowsy Cold Remedies - It will not make you sleepy 
  • Easy to use- if I can use it you can 
  • Affordable Cold Prevention - It is under £10 
My thoughts on Vicks First Defence 

As you can imagine I was so worried about getting any kind of illness in Nepal that I was determined to pack any and everything that might help prevent colds and flu. I am going to be 100% honest here. I used the Vicks first defence differently than recommended I used it once a day in the morning 2-3 sprays up each nostril from the day I arrived in Katmandu until the last day. 

I have to say whilst others in my party got very poorly with colds and flu I had nothing. Not even a slight sniffle. As I said I am a germ sponge I catch everything and anything but on this trip I caught nothing. Did Vicks' first defence protect me from viruses from colds? Well in my opinion yes it did. I was in a very close quarter with all the infected people. I was interacting with them eating beside them touching each other's bikes and nothing not even a little illness. There is only one reason for this and it has to be Vick's first defense I didn't change up anything else than I normally would. No Nepal is a wonderful country but it is not known for its hygiene. So If I was going to catch something it would have been very easy. But I honestly can't believe I was one of the only people to be healthy and not catch a cold. 

Would I buy Vick's first defence again? 
Hell yes, I will be packing it on every trip I take from now on. Now I need to explain I have tried many things that claim to fight off the cold or preventive vitamins etc but Vick's first defense worked for me and If it can work for me it can for you. 

I am really enjoying writing old-school review posts I hope you are enjoying reading them. is there any product you would like me to review you can leave a comment or send me a message.  

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