Moma Porridge and smoothies - MissLJBeauty

Moma Porridge and smoothies

Hi everyone, 

Just wanted to share my newest addition for breakfast on the go food. I am loving Porridge pots and smoothies. so Handy for breakfast at the desk. 

 I loved both of these but the strawberry & Banana one is my all time favorite with only 253 calories this is a healthy thing to grab when rushing for breakfast or lunch. I found these really filled me up too. I found that I didnt want my snack I had with me when I have these. 

 Porridge Yum Yum Yum. I have always loved porridge Its supper filling and is low in calories and tastes amazing what is not to like about this? 

I like the range Moma do Original, golden syrup, Plain & cranberry and raisin. I loved the syrup But I always add sweetness to my porridge. I never really got the people who added salt. Defo not for me. 
Perfect on the go, or at your desk healthy food.

Have you tired these? What do you have on yours

MissLJBeauty xoxo

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