How to build a home gym - MissLJBeauty

How to build a home gym

Well, this year might be the perfect year to think about adding a home gym to your household. It is a dream for many and a necessary evil for others but having a home gym is defiantly a lovely little luxury in any home. You may be spending more time working from or a bit nervous about the new procedure about attending the gym having a home gym is a way to eliminate all of these concerns. With a home gym, there really is no more excuses about not having time to go to the gym as it is in your home. This will lead to your living a healthier and fitter life. 

Today I want to tell you how to create the best home gym environment and what you will need to do to make your home gym the best, even better than your normal gym. First, let's talk about the room. 

The room
Choose the room in your house you wish to transform into your gym oasis. Normally your spare bedroom or the dining room you never use. Any room can be transformed into a gym. with my simple tips. 

First, you need to declutter and clear the room out you want this room to have enough room for you and your equipment and any activities you might want to do. Let's face it you can't hit the weights if there is no room to swing your kettlebell right? 

You are going to have to remove that old carpet. Carpet is not the best flooring for a home gym. You need to think about installing Solid wood flooring. There are so many reasons Solid wood flooring is the best choice. Solid wood flooring is easy to clean, it can handle heavy objects and not only these points but it will look really nice so it's a win-win right? 

You can, of course, install air conditioning this would be the ideal situation but I know this is a bit costly. So I  recommend getting three walls mounted fans place them in the corners of the room facing inward and you will keep cool no matter what workout your decide to do and just dont turn them on if you fancy a warmer room. 

Here is you chance to make space really your own unlike your normal gym this is your gym. What do you want to do to keep fit? Do you want to do yoga, weights, spin classes, running, Or pole dancing? This is your space you need to make it your dream come true. The more you make this space somewhere you want to be the more you will use it. 

The equipment I would recommend to start your home gym

Treadmill or cycling equipment. 
Most people will use either a treadmill or a bike or both of these types of machine in the gym. I would start with one. I personally have a smart trainer which attaches to my road bike so I can do online cycling. I love this if you follow me on social media you will know I am on Zwift (online cycling) a lot and this is my favourite workout platform. You need to choose the one you really like as this will motivate you to do it. I also like treadmill desks as a good option

Exercise mat
These have a whole range of uses. I recommend buying really good exercise mats. You will spend a lot of time on your mats, so you need to be comfortable. I personally recommend buying two. One with thick cushioning for a high-intensity workout and a thinner one for yoga. This will be one of the most used items in your home gym. 

One of the most versatile pieces of equipment in your home gym, a good set of dumbbells should be right near the top of your list of items. There are literally hundreds of different exercises that you can do, and if you invest in some adjustable ones, you can increase the amount of weight over time so you are always improving. Try to complete your exercises in front of a mirror so you are confident that you are using the proper technique.

This is one of the more popular and I think fun pieces of equipment. This surge in popularity means that more manufacturers produce kettlebells. So, more thought is required when choosing the right kettlebell for you. Kettlebells are a fantastic way to mix up your weight lifting program. This is also not a place to not skimp on the quality you want Kettlebells with big smooth handles for the best possible grip. 

Pull up bar
I love my pull up bar. They are not just for pull-ups. There is a wide range of movements that you can do on a pull-up bar. I accredit my pull up bar for my upper body strength. I was struggling to advance my upper body strength until I got one of these.  

Skipping rope
The most affordable item in the gym but also one of the most fun. I bet as soon as you try skipping again you are full of childhood memories. Skipping is a fun way to get your heart rate up and also helps you work on your coordination. 
Foam roller
I am a quilified sports massage therapist and I would be doing an injustice if I didn't mention recovery. The best item you can buy for your recovery is a foam roller. its time to massage that lactic acid out of your aching and tired muscles. 

I hope this has given you a helping hand in building your own home gym. 

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