Looking Fit - Setting Exercise Beauty Goals - MissLJBeauty

Looking Fit - Setting Exercise Beauty Goals

Starting your fitness journey is an exciting experience. Knowing your goals is the first step, but it can be difficult to understand how to get there. In this article, we will break down the different types of exercise, so you can tailor your workout routine to attain your beauty goals. 

women fitness class

Types of Exercise

Exercise is dynamic and individual to your body. The goal of working out is to sculpt and enhance the appearance of your body and improve general health, but this requires a varied workout routine that incorporates different types of exercises:  

Fat Burning

Body fat is the result of deposited glycogen which is converted into energy when you exercise. Burning excess fat can make you slimmer and contour key areas of your body.

Cardiovascular exercise, or ‘cardio,’ is the best way to burn fat. Popular cardio routines include running, cycling, swimming, and HIIT. Thirty minutes of cardio three times per week keeps you healthy; this can easily be increased to burn higher levels of fat. 

An alternative method of getting rid of stubborn fat is through liposuction. Liposuction is a cosmetic procedure that extracts excess fat from the body, leaving you toned and sculpted. This is a viable option for people wanting to see results immediately or who are trying to tone for an upcoming event.

Strength Training

Over time, your lean muscle mass naturally depletes, and if this is not replaced, your body fat percentage will increase. Gradual strength training allows for your muscle mass to grow and be replaced.

You may want to start strength training with your body weight before eventually adding weights. The benefit of strength training is the ability to focus on specific areas: you can grow the glutes for a rounder butt, you can do back exercises for a slimmer physique, and you can do arm workouts at home for toned limbs..

Alternatively, you can pair liposuction with a abdominoplasty, or a tummy tuck. This procedure is a great option for moving fat. This is a great way to sculpt the body and help you attain more prominent results than exercise alone. 

Cosmetic surgery serves as a way to create your desired shape and motivate you to maintain it. After recovery from surgery, you will be able to combine exercise and a good diet with your new look and build from the results.


The tension from work and life stresses can affect your mobility as you age. Engaging in yoga and pilates slowly releases knots in the body and allows free movement. There are different types of yoga, such as vinyasa and flow yoga which are suitable for a range of abilities, ages, and sizes.

To achieve your beauty goals, you will need to create a tailored exercise routine incorporating different exercises. Additionally, you could explore cosmetic treatments to help you achieve those goals. 

women taking selfie

About the Author

Jenn Walker is a freelance writer, blogger, dog-enthusiast, and avid beach goer operating out of Southern New Jersey.

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