How are you?
I feel like there is always a big focus on Christmas and then we kind of blink and its new year. Today I want to talk that dreaded word you know the one resolutions. Yes, its time to think about your end games. Alot of people really struggle with sticking with new years resolutions and I want to give you my top tips on how to stay on track with the new year new me crowd.
1. Set realistic goals. Come on you do not need to lose 1 stone in a week that is completely unachievable and unrealistic. Set little goals more often. This making it less of a mountain to climb in your head.
2. Start small. You do not need to go to 4 spin classes on the first of January. To kick-start your training. You are more likely to fail if you throw yourself into a realistic training plan. If you are not a gym goer book a training session and learn what will work for you.
3. Visual stimulation. Yes, I love to do this. Right now I have my eye on This Funkita Club Tropo sports two pieces bikini from I love their womens swimming costume. They always have the best prices and styles. You know I love a bargain. I love giving myself something to work for. There is nothing like the feeling of earning something you want. I have given myself the goal that if I can maintain my workout throughout January I can treat myself to this and swimming lessons.

5. Find your passion. If you hate the gym you will give it up. There are so many ways to get healthy from walking, yoga, to mountain biking find something that you find fun and it will never feel like a chore to squeeze in your fitness regime.
6. Find a friend. It is 100% true. You are more like to maintain a new habit if you are doing it in a group. Get a group of friends together for a walk and the time will fly past. Go for a walk on your own and you will count the seconds. Why not join a new fitness class? Make friends who are into the same things as you and you can motivate each other.
7. The shock value. This can work in many ways. Set aside a jar for one month and instead of buying takeaways. That you would normally buy put the money you would spend in the jar. You will be shocked at how much you save! if you give up your weekly treat. This can also go for that 11am latte. That £3.50 per day really adds up. Why not book a holiday and give your self the motivation to stay on track.
8. Learn. Yes, I said it, why not actually learn about your food and see if you can improve what you eat. I am not saying change your whole lifestyle but if you really look at certain products and learn about them you can really benefit. I know I once went on a chocolate factory tour and when I had seen the amount of sugar in white chocolate, I was shocked and I have steered clear ever since. Just take a look at your diet and put some thought into it. Another great way of doing this is a food diary. It can really shock you how much junk you eat at your desk that you don't even think about.
I hope this helps you stay on track to a healthy and happy 2019.