Causes Of Sleeplessness And How To Quash Them - MissLJBeauty

Causes Of Sleeplessness And How To Quash Them

Whether it’s been specifically diagnosed as insomnia or you’re simply experiencing ongoing sleeplessness that isn’t yet diagnosed, don’t be mistaken about how dangerous it can be. It can impact your energy, your sensation of pain, your mental health, and can make certain situations, such as driving, all the more dangerous.

Sleeplessness is a serious health issue, one that’s experienced by too many people and not talked about enough in a serious light. Here, we’re going to take a look at some of the major causes of sleeplessness and what you could potentially do about them. Let's face it we all want to get a better night sleep. 
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Poor nightly routines
This is no move to try “shift the blame” of a health issue onto the one suffering it, but you may be surprised how much of a difference a few changes to your bedtime routine can make. One of the biggest environmental culprits behind sleeplessness in the modern age is blue light. This light, given off by electronics like computer screens, smartphones, and digital TVs, has been shown to keep your brain active much longer than it should be, even when you’re trying to sleep. Consider cutting it out and following some of the steps on this page to see if they make a difference. Also look at your mattress. You may want to consider changing this to a better quality one. I recommend searching for mattress sale uk to make sure you get the best value and quality mattress in your price range. 

Stress and insomnia have a cyclical link. Stress keeps us up at night, in part due to the physical tension in our body and the pain this can cause. It also makes our minds much more active at night, which makes it harder to get into a restful state. However, sleeplessness makes our body produce more cortisol, the “stress hormone” that’s at the center of a lot of stress symptoms. Tackling your stress by whatever means necessary, such as yoga, massage therapy, exercise, or seeing your doctor is important, but you should tackle the symptoms of sleeplessness at the same with solutions like this.

Hearing issues
Hearing loss in and of itself might not have any clear links to sleeplessness, but there is one common issue amongst those with hearing loss (and some people without) that can greatly disrupt your sleep. Tinnitus is a symptom described as hearing noises such as ringing, or whistling, that others can’t hear. Though it’s not only experienced by those who have hearing loss, this website shows that there are hearing aids that can help you address the ringing. There are no known cures for tinnitus, but noise-masking features in hearing aids and white noise machines have helped many get to sleep despite the issue. In other cases, people seek therapy to help them acclimate and grow used to the noise so that they can ignore it. Without treatment, tinnitus can have a serious impact on your emotional and mental health.

Sleep apnea
This is a chronic disorder that is caused by your breathing being blocked while you’re sleeping. Sometimes this is caused by a physical blockage of the airway, other times by an issue where the brain doesn’t signal the muscles that get you breathing. It can have a range of effects, such as high blood pressure, heart failure, diabetes, and can leave people at risk of depression. Furthermore, it can make you feel a lot more tired in the morning since it’s hard to get a full restful sleep with your breathing being interrupted, even if you aren’t aware of it happening. If you have the signs of sleep apnea, you should see a doctor as soon as you can, as there can be many different causes and it’s important to narrow it down as soon as possible.

In the same way that sleep apnea can stop you from having a restful sleep, allergies can have much the same effect. We can find it difficult to breathe freely when experiencing allergy symptoms, which can make it hard to fall asleep in the first place. This website shows some of the main culprits amongst the allergens that could be causing your sleeplessness. Taking efforts to keep the bedroom free of allergens, such as by using HEPA filters, vacuuming the bedroom, showering before bed, and washing your bed sheets more frequently could help you experience those symptoms less at night.

The above examples are not the only causes of sleeplessness, but they are the ones that can “sneak up” on you. Others, like arthritis, acid reflux, and chronic pain have a much more noticeable effect on your nights. However, regardless of the cause, if you believe you’re experiencing insomnia, you should seek help with it when you can.