Tails dog food review by Springador and Dalmatian - MissLJBeauty

Tails dog food review by Springador and Dalmatian

tails food box  Dalmatian smelling tails food bags
My Very lucky pups were sent some dog food to try from Tails.com
I was delighted to get some personalised dog food for them to try. They have been trailing it for two months. 

Tails.com is a revolution in dog food. Every dog is treated as an individual. Each food bag is formulated for your dog's needs. When you begin your Tails journey you are asked a lot of question about your dog, From their weight to any allergy or dislikes. So you can really get an in-depth picture of your dog and what their need really is. You can choose if your dog gets wet or dry food or just dry. both our dogs get dry food with water. 

springador posing with bags of tails food springador posing with tails food
 So let's talk about Millie. Millie is a Springador she has mild hip dysplasia. She is 7 years young. she loves to swim and play with her toys. With mild hip dysplasia, this means we have to monitor her weight to no add extra stress on her hips. She loves her food. 
millies tailored made dry food blend
This is Millie's blend is 897 Calories.  It has 44.8% Joint care and 35.6% advanced mobility and 19.6% senior care Total meat content 47% Chicken. Maize, Lamb, Dehydrated meat, maize gluten, dried seaweed, Oats, Brown rice, Dried yeast, linseed, Chicory, Glucosamine Hydrochloride and chondroitin sulphate.

Vitamins A,  C, D3, and E 

dalmatain dog posing with tails food dalmatain dog posing with bags of dog food
A bit about Mylo. Is a dalmatian He is 5 years old. He is an active boy and will come mountain biking 2-3 times a week. He Loves to run with the bikes. swim and cuddle. Mylo is on a lot more food than millie due to an active lifestyle and he's a bigger boy. 

This is Mylo's blend it has 2098 Calories per day 
The blend is  69.9% calorie management blend and 30.1% tailored vitality. 
Total meat content 38% Chicken. Sweet potatoes, potatoes, beet pulp, dried seaweed, linseed. Monocalcium phosphate. salt Glucosamine Hydrochloride and chondroitin sulphate.

Vitamins A, D3, E and calcium.

Each dog is given their own personalised scoop. Which has the right amount of biscuits they are to get each day. It is a very clever design. Mylo received two big bags of food a month and Millie received one. 

They both love their Tails food and happily scoffed it down. I always add water to their food. Millie has had a urine infection as she can be lazy with drinking water. 

Both dogs for the month would be about £80 for complete tailor-made food. Fancy trying tails your self? Go check them out and get a free trial