4 home comfort hacks - MissLJBeauty

4 home comfort hacks

home comfort cosy fire
Your home is important— it’s the place where you can relax completely, free from the worries of the outside world. But are you making the best use of your home space? Check out these four home comfort hacks to ensure you’re as cosy as possible in your domestic haven.
1. Rug
Why not start with a shaggy rug? They make a great centrepiece for most rooms, which you can build creative ideas around that really showcase who you are.   A rug will immediately make the floor an inviting place to snuggle, so much so that you might just find yourself dodging the sofa. For those of you that have flooring rather than carpet, a rug warms the room up wonderfully and adds to the overall ambience.
Check out furniture stores like Wayfair for rug ideas. Then once you’ve found the ideal piece, the accompanying decor will fall into place perfectly.
2. Wall Art
Your home should represent who you are and wall art is a wonderful way to reflect your personality.
A great place to start is with photos of family and friends – there’s nothing better than being surrounded by these loving memories.
For those of you feeling more creative, add your favourite sayings and symbols to your home in the form of wall stickers, canvases, or postcards. Browse wall art ideas on sites such as Wall Art to get a better idea of the options available.
3. Layers and Textures
When you visualise cosiness, images of you sprawled out on your sofa or bed probably pop into your mind. And although these furniture pieces can be the epitome of comfort, they become staid and soulless quickly.
However, soft fabrics such as blankets personalise your furniture and transform a bare room into a mellow hideaway that you’ll never want to leave.  
Then, buy loads of pillows for your bed of different shapes, sizes and colours and you’ll find yourself wanting to sink into your bed after a long hard day. With a plethora of pillows in place, you’ll be priming your bed for your favourite activities like reading, napping and listening to music.
3. Doormat
A warm and inviting home ambience starts at the front door, so no household is complete without a doormat.
There are many benefits of getting on top of your mat game. They’re practical, preventing dirt from getting into your home and, perhaps more importantly, customisable mats provide another outstanding opportunity to imprint your personality.
A doormat sets expectations for guests when they first enter your home, and since these can be positive or negative, choose carefully. Mat manufacturers like Kleen-Tex offer a range of mats to suit your individual needs, so shop around to see what’s on offer.
There are so many ways to enhance the cosiness of your home. You just need to choose an idea or concept, expand on it and let your imagination run riot.

What items do you think are key to a cosy home? Share your thoughts in the comments.