5 Superfoods you need to try in 2019 - MissLJBeauty

5 Superfoods you need to try in 2019

woman jumping on beach
Did you make a new year’s resolution? Did you stick to that resolution? Whatever the case, the year is still reasonably young, so it’s not too late to turn over a new leaf. A popular place to start tweaking your lifestyle is diet — a healthy body makes a healthy mind and who wouldn’t want that?

To restart your best-laid plans for 2019, check out these 5 transformational superfoods today

Oily fish such as salmon are packed full of omega 3 fatty acids, which the human body itself cannot produce. Studies show that omega 3 can contribute to a reduced risk of conditions such as heart disease and high blood pressure. And salmon also has a high vitamin D content, which is important for bone health — so if you want to be strong and fit this year, it might be worth splashing out on.

Sweet Potatoes
If you eat out a lot, you’ve more than likely seen sweet potatoes on the menu in some variation. Food recipe website Myrecipes.com describes them as ‘one of the most versatile and healthful vegetables available’. They contain carotenoids, which prevent cells from being damaged and have disease-fighting properties too. There’s so much that sweet potatoes can do for you and so much you can do to them – mash them, bake them, cut them into fries, you’ll never get bored!

Blackstrap Molasses
This treacle-like food substance is sweet, but that doesn’t mean it should be swerved. Blackstrap molasses is a nutritional powerhouse which can help prevent conditions such as anaemia due to its high iron content. It contains magnesium, which is good for muscle and joint health and has anti-inflammatory properties aplenty. Add a teaspoon of it to a drink or some porridge in the morning and fly through the day with ease.

Dark chocolate
High in antioxidants known as flavonoids, dark chocolate is another superfood on the saccharine side of the spectrum. Flavonoids are good for blood flow, keeping your blood pressure low and reducing your chances of developing cardiovascular conditions. In addition to this, dark chocolate is a mood enhancer, so if you’re having a stressful day, why not treat yourself to a few squares? Health food provider Kijani Living stocks a variety of sweet and chocolatey superfood products that are terrifically healthy too — worth a look next time you’re browsing.

Pork Scratchings
You probably weren’t expecting to see these on the list, but around two-thirds of the fat in pork scratchings is made up of mono and polyunsaturated fats which are beneficial for heart health. They’re also high in protein — making them an ideal choice for people who want to build muscle. Healthy living website Muscle Food included pork scratching in its predictions for the 19 most popular health foods for 2019, so why not jump on the wellbeing bandwagon?   

Learn more about protein in The ultimate guide to protein by the super talented Rachel from Radical strength Blog.

Superfoods come in all shapes and sizes and some of the benefits are incredible. So do some research, work out what you like and spend the rest of 2019 supercharging your health.

Do you have any superfood suggestions? Please share them in the comments section.