5 cheap ways to update your bedroom. - MissLJBeauty

5 cheap ways to update your bedroom.

Hi everyone, 

How are you? 

Today I want to talk about updating your bedroom.  Well, its the age-old thing isn't? We spend a lot of time in our bedrooms. Yet its the last room to ever get a revamp. Well, its time to change that. The bedroom has been on my to-do list for so long it's crazy. I have to say I spend more time than most in my bedroom. I find it a really great place to find some peace and quiet. If like me you like to spend a bit of me time in your room. You need to make it a priority. 

I want to share with you 5 cheap ways to update your bedroom and turn it into the bedroom of your dreams. 

1. The walls. Here is the most obvious way to jazz up your bedroom. Yes, you can grab a tin of paint. Change the colour of your walls but if you are wanting to really add the wow factor, You need to have a look at Wall Murals. I love the ones from Iconwallstickers.co.uk. I personally really want their paper roses wall mural. I really think this would bring light and fun into my room. These start at only £14.50 per square meter. Making them a fantastic affordable alternative to paint or wall paper wall mural of rose flowers

I need to also give mention to Dalmatian dog wall mural. I think if I did this one our bedroom my husband might divorce me.  As you all know we have a gorgeous Dalmatian of our own and my husband already says I have an obsession. Although it would be perfect for a kids room. 

2. Update your bedding. This can add a new lease of life to your room. I personally have different sets of bedding depending on the season and my mood. I love to have bright colours and patterns in summer.  In winter I am into deep tones, think wines and dark blues. Bedding is one of those things you can spend a fortune on or very little. It really is a simple way to add a new dimension to your room. Let's not forget a nice bed throw! I love to add a throw on the bed this also saves the bed from dog hair. 

3. Curtain and cushions. This is something that always gets overlooked in most bedrooms. But swapping out old curtains for a new blind or vice versa can really make a huge change to your room. Like bedding, I love a nice thick curtain in winter to add warmth to the room. In summer I like a nice blind. I think this really opens up the room and lets the natural light in. Plus we know natural light is good for our mental health so let the light in as much as possible. 

Scatter cushions are a great way to add extra textures to your room. It is also a fab was in integrate a colour you are not so sure of into your room. I think nice cushions change the look of a bed and make it look more luxurious. So experiment with them. 

4. Wifi lighting. I have just invested in these for our bedroom. We already have a google assistant. (other home devices are available) I decided that I would try out a colour changing light bulb. I was thinking it was a complete novelty item. But I love it. I love that if I am trying to relax I can have a soft blue light and If I need energy I can get a bright white light. It can transform your room and mood with very little expense. 

5. Think about storage. I know you are thinking what is she talking about? But there is nothing like an organised room to make you feel better about the atmosphere. You can buy so many different types of bedroom storage from clothing storage, like under bed storage to make up and jewellery organisers. There is a never ending range on offer and they are so cheap. This is where the saying clean room clean mind comes in to play. 

I hope this has given you lots to think about. What do you change in your room? 