How to Dress for Work this Summer - MissLJBeauty

How to Dress for Work this Summer

We all know that when it comes to the workplace, you need to dress to impress. While in winter were perhaps less interested in showing off our garments when summer rolls around its time to up the ante and show off our brighter, more optimistic clothing. Of course, youll need to find the right balance between smartness and individuality, and always toe the line between striking and over-the-top, but all this takes is a little time to think through. Certainly, dressing for summer neednt get you hot and bothered: follow a few key principles, and youll be dazzling in the office as the sun beats down outside.

Focus on Assets, not Flaws
Naturally, dressing in the warmer seasons usually means less fabric hiding your body: your arms and legs begin to see exposure to the sun after a winter of woolly hibernation. Its easy to look in the mirror and despair about these new possibilities and expectations, but remember to focus on beauty and no problems. Look in the mirror and consciously pick out your best assets rather than comparing yourself to any externally-imposed beauty standard. Remember to dress for your shape; theres a quick and easy way to calculate which body type you have before you hit the stores for summer-specific office attire.

One of the key challenges to looking summery at work is balancing airy styles with clothes that are appropriate for a professional presentation. It is usually best to layer light fabric so as to avoid those clingy tight summer cuts; loose cotton trousers are usually more comfortable than short skirts. A top tip when shopping for bottoms, if your job is desk-based, is to always sit down in the outfit when you try it on. There is nothing worse than finding out your stunning outfit causes you so much discomfort that you regret wearing it as soon as you take your seat on the bus. It may seem that shirts and trousers arent very seasonal, but by wearing whites and checking out this summers hottest trends, you can achieve the perfect balance for work in the sun.

Take your Shopping Online
One of the best ways to find a great outfit that nobody else in the office will have is by shopping online rather than in local stores. It saves time and money and means that the whole world of online stores is at your disposal. There are many beautiful summer styles available for everyone, including plus size dresses that guarantee you will make the right kind of statement during the heatwave this season.

Take your time
Mannequins can be misleading: they tempt you into a store but then you realise that they have been carefully tapered with safety pins and that fabric skims attractively over glossy exteriors while the very same dress clings to you in a quite different fashion. You wont find the perfect summer outfit by grabbing the first thing you see - avoid panic buying and bold outfits when shopping for a work outfit. It is worth taking the time to browse everything that is on offer, researching fashionable styles before you swipe your plastic.

Dressing for work in the summer doesnt have to be a chore. With a bit of simple preparation and by exploring your options you will be looking and feeling gorgeous and professional while in the office.